Tooth Abscesses: What You Should Know

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You are probably aware that an infection can be a pretty serious problem. In fact, you may know that your body can typically fight off infections, but had you heard that you’ll need professional help to deal with an infection that is inside your tooth? Similarly, you may need to visit our dental team if you have a tooth abscess. However, do you know what the differences between infections and abscesses are?

Unfortunately, because your body won’t be able to fight off a tooth infection, you may need root canal therapy. It’s very important that you get this treatment for many different reasons. For instance, you could experience extreme pain and discomfort, sensitivity to hot and cold foods and drinks, and your tooth’s root may even die. Furthermore, your oral infection can spread. If this infection moves to your jaw, an abscess might form.

Fortunately, your body may be able to fight off an abscess on its own. However, please note that because an infection causes your abscess, and because your infection won’t fade on its own, your body may not be able to heal your abscess before it becomes more serious. Sadly, you may have developed an abscess if you notice a lump on your gums. Swollen and painful gums may also be a sign of an abscess.

Naturally, there are a few steps you may consider taking if you’re hoping to avoid these infections altogether. For example, brushing, flossing, and visiting us once every six months are important steps to follow. You should also follow a balanced diet.

To hear more about the dental care you can receive from our team, or to hear more about dealing with a tooth infection in Germantown, Tennessee, please contact JC Brown, DDS at 901-758-1000. Our dentist, Dr. Jackie Brown, and our team are eager to hear from you!